Introduction and Feedback in Open Source Support @ HZDR

HZDR Innovators School

Introduction and Feedback in Open Source Support @ HZDR

43 43 people viewed this event.

Open Source Support @ HZDR (OSPO) aims to bring together expertise from different perspectives, including research, economic, technical, community, and legal. We want to serve as the competency centre for open-source operations and structure. OSPO covers software, hardware, data and educational materials.

Link to OSPO at HZDR:

Link at codebase at Helmholtz cloud:

During the seminar, the following topics will be covered:

  • General introduction to the OSPO concept
  • The scope of possible support from Open Source Support @ HZDR (OSPO)
  • Different perspectives on Open Source and related OSPO team members
  • Useful links for self-reading
  • Collection of feedback on what is needed by the community (from those who participate)

With Dr. Vladimir Voroshnin (HZDR)

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Date And Time

13-03-2025 @ 13:00 to
13-03-2025 @ 14:00


Online event


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